| 1. | She went as white as a sheet when she heard the news . 她听到这个消息顿时脸色苍白。 |
| 2. | The face was as white as a sheet . 面如土色。 |
| 3. | Why , the poor dears as white as a sheet , said voices 瞧这可怜的孩子,脸色白得像台布。 ”几个声音说。 |
| 4. | Her skin was as white as a sheet until she ast in the sunshine for a while 直到她坐到太阳底下一会儿,皮肤才不那么白了 |
| 5. | As white as a sheet .脸色白得像纸一样 |
| 6. | The squire was sitting down , as white as a sheet , thinking of the harm he had led us to , the good soul 乡绅一屁股坐下来,脸苍白得像张纸,思量着他给我们带来的害处,这个好人! |